Founded in 2010, the project to create this Bioenergetics training school is the result of a shared dream: to seek to participate in the development of nutritious, healthy and ethical contexts to learn about human beings and relationships.
– Bachelor of Arts in Pontificia Universidad Católica PUC Chile.
– Certified Coach Newfield Network 2001.
– Training for Organizations on Transpersonal Psychology South American School Daniel Taroppio 2005.
– Since 2000 she has worked in organizational development as a consultant specializing in experiential learning with different public and private organizations. Also working and facilitating Coaching process and training people and teams on skills as leadership and team building.
– FSBA Bioenergetic Therapist. 2013.
– Since 2017 is the Director of the Chilean School of Bioenergetics FSBA, and from 2019 the Director of the Peruvian School of Bioenergetics FSBA.
For more information, please contact:
Alvaro Vilaplana
Andrea Salgado
Marcela Fuenzalida
Juana López
María Elena Haddad
Veronica Peralta
Magali Saavedra
Geraldine Rast
Natacha Cáceres
Certification 2nd year:
Ricardo Alcafuz
Sandra jordán
Daniela Retamal
Claudio Ruiz
María José Tapia
María José Rodriguez
Satyam Mónica Rengifo
Guillermo De La Peña
Jocy Pertier
Certification 4th year:
Antonieta Gonzalez
Rodrigo Mujica