FSBA – Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis

An Invitation to an
Open Bioenergetic ZOOM Workshop:

With My Feet On the Ground and My Eyes In the Sky

with Soledad Valenzuela, MA

November 13-15, 2020   |   ONLINE

Open to Everyone!

About this Workshop

In times of uncertainty we can lose the ground we step on,
lose the feeling of the safe place where we stand solidly.
And we can also lose confidence in our wishes, desires,
dreams, and hopes. In this workshop we will explore both
things from the body: our trust in reality and our hope …
which we must not renounce.

How to Register

We invite you to register for this workshop. By clicking HERE we can accept your registration and payment online.


Early bird registration for this workshop extends until October 25th, and the fee is $200. After the early bird date, the registration fee for this workshop is $225.

About the Leader

FSBA is thrilled to have Soledad Valenzuela, MA come to Alachua to lead Voice of the Body!

Sol’s background includes Professor of Philosophy, Psychology Lic, Master in Clinical Psychologist (c), and Certified FSBA Bioenergetic Psychotherapist. She was one of the founders of FSBA in Chile, served as its academic director until 2016, and is now an active part of the training team. Additionally, she is a Senior Ontological Coach with Newfield Consulting.

Soledad conducts an active private psychotherapy practice in Chile using bioenergetic analysis and also works as an executive coach. She is a dynamic bioenergetic trainer and leads workshops in both the United States, Chile, Brazil, and Perú. One of her current focuses is on the “good connection” between bioenergetics and mindfulness.

How to Register

We invite you to register for this workshop. By clicking HERE we can accept your registration and payment online.


Early bird registration for this workshop extends until October 25th, and the fee is $200. After the early bird date, the registration fee for this workshop is $225.

Workshop Schedule


6:00pm – 9:00pm


9:30am – 12:30am and 2:30pm to 5:00pm


9:30am to 1:00 pm

We invite you to register for this workshop. By clicking HERE we can accept your registration and payment online.

How to Support FSBA

FSBA is profoundly grateful for each of you for your involvement and upkeep of the Farmhouse (FSBA Center). Many of you have come through the doors of the Farmhouse as students, clients, teachers and workshop participants. If you are in a position to help us keep the Farmhouse to serve as a hub for FSBA activities and events, below is a link. Thank you so much!

How to contact us for more information about this workshop

To ask question about this workshop, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, call 386-462-5155 or contact: fsba.bioenergetics@gmail.com

CE Credits

The Florida Society for Bioenergetics offers 13 State of Florida CE credits to Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. Those in several other helping professions can also receive CE credits from this workshop. MH 2814