- Is it possible to actually live your life as an adventure, in such a way that whatever you are doing in the world is part of a process of waking up to your true nature and actualizing your unique talents in the world?
- Is it possible to live effectively and powerfully in the world while attending to and nurturing your inner spiritual life?
We’ve come to believe that psychospiritual practice and the realm of everyday life are somehow separate. But as we work mindfully in everyday life with presence, energy, stability, clarity, power, and compassion, we discover that we are working in the realm of being. The personal (our everyday life) and the psychospiritual (the realm of being) are not different. They are both expressions of the same life, and the tools for awakening to our nature and the tools for living well are the same tools.
Bioenergetic bodymind practices combine awareness, sensation, breathing, movement, energy, mind, feeling, and relationship.
Join us for this two-day workshop to learn five powerful bodymind tools you can return to over and over in the midst of everyday life. Learn how the elements of Presence-Energy, Ground, Heart, Intent, and Openness offer fundamental practices for recovering your attention and for personal awakening. Learn, too, how they have application in every area of our lives to help us live effectively and well.
The workshop is a combination of individual and group work – and integrates active bioenergetic bodymind and awareness exercises. You’ll come away with renewed presence and energy – and practices you can use every day to support your living with presence, vitality, and grace.